If the present value of its future expected net cash flows equals or exceeds the amount of the initial investment, a capital investment proposal is considered acceptable. 如果其将来的预期净现金流的现值等于或超过首期投资的量,则认为资金投入建议可以接受。
With the help of some initial capital and collateral, like land, these investment vehicles directed the lending into local bridges, tunnels and real-estate ventures. 凭借着初始资金和诸如土地之类的抵押物,这些投资机器把这些贷款投资建设当地的桥梁、隧道以及房地产行业。
Capital guarantee fund an investment vehicle, offered by certain institutions, that guarantees the investor's initial capital investment from any losses. 资本保证基金金融机构提供的投资工具,保证投资者的初步资本投资不会有损失。
The mobile terminals, which would have an initial capital investment of about$ 400 each, would allow AGTech to extend lottery sales deeper into rural areas and also to reach potential players in locations such as railway stations and at sporting events. 每个移动终端大约需要400美元的初期资本投入。有了这些终端,亚博就可以把彩票销售深入到农村地区,还可接触到在火车站或体育赛场等地的潜在玩家。
Only about one-third of the fund's initial capital of about$ 70bn is earmarked for offshore investment. CIC's mandate says it can be spent on anything but renminbi-denominated assets. 该基金只有大约三分之一的初始资本(约700亿美元)计划用于离岸投资。根据中投的权限,该公司可以投资于任何非人民币计价的资产。
In initial stages of new public project, capital yield method should be used in order to activate investment motive. Upper-limit pricing method should be used in anaphase in order to improve the producing efficiency. 新增项目初期定价可采用资本收益率定价法以激励资本投入,项目建成使用的后期宜采用上限管制机制以提高企业效率。
This paper gives a brief analysis of the basic process and initial deal valuation in venture capital investment process and explores the detailed deal evaluation about management team, operating records and business plan, development prospects, exit arrangement and enterprise value. 简要分析了风险资本投资的基本过程和项目初始评估,从管理队伍、经营记录与商业计划、发展前景、退出安排以及企业价值等五个方面探讨了项目详细评估问题。
The design of these mills kept the initial cost low while not compromising the end product quality, and utilized state of the art technology to maximize the return on the capital investment. 这些纸厂在保证产品质量的前提下采用低成本策略,并利用最新技术最大程度地收回投资。
Due to information asymmetry, the investors directly operate initial capital investment is easy to bring about adverse option which leads to inefficiency of initial capital market. 由于信息不对称,投资者直接进行创业资本投资,易产生逆向选择,导致创业资本市场低效率。
Thirdly, in the analysis of relationship between the district migration and economic development which obtains the initial economic development level is the most important factor, followed by the amount of capital investment, again is the labor force growth. 最后,在地州人口迁移与经济发展的关系分析中,得出初始经济发展水平是影响地州经济发展的最重要因素,其次是资本投入量,再次则为劳动力增长量的结论。
During initial period, many high-tech enterprises lack capital, meanwhile they have difficulties to obtain investment via bank or investing facilities due to high risk and no reference of credibility. 大量高科技企业在创业阶段,既缺乏原始资本的积累,又因为经营的高风险性和无贷款资信可供查询,很难从银行、证券等传统渠道获得融资,往往只能求助于风险投资。
It still remains the pilot and initial stage. Its coverage of existing services is too small, as well as insufficient capital investment with the single sources. 目前西安市针对老年残疾人护理服务工作尚处在试点和起步阶段,存在着现有服务的覆盖面太小、资金投入不足及来源渠道单一、护理人员缺少且专业水准不高等一些问题。